Call "ContentResult Save" method from a button outside calen


Can you please help me on the following…
I want to call the scheduler Save method from a button which is outside of calender (but in same page)
Is there any javascript method like scheduler.load(DataUrl) kind of method to call the server side Save method?

my second issue is, how I can check the curent month in server side or how I can get the current month value in client side and pass to server side Save method for do my business logics in server side?

Please ignore the first question, I am able to call the Save method using SaveUrl call…
Only issue now I am having is, how to pass the current month (i am in month view calendar) to the Save method?

current date can be retrieved following way
var currentDate = scheduler.getState().date;

If you call Save manually, you can pass it with request parameters
otherwise, if event is sent by dataprocessor(the default way), you can pass current month value as one of event properties:scheduler.dataProcessor.attachEvent("onBeforeUpdate", function (id, status, data) { data.current_month = scheduler.templates.xml_date(scheduler.getState().date); return true; });

Thanks a lot, Actually what I need here is, I have a server button outside of scheduler in my mvc page. When I press that button, I call a javascript which call the following method…
scheduler.load("@Html.Raw(Model.Scheduler.DataUrl)" + queryparameterset…

What I need here is, pass the current day or current month inside above method to the Data() method so that I can do my business logics…

Great if you can help me on this…

scheduler.getState().date will return you current date of scheduler
scheduler.templates.xml_date(date) will convert date to string in MM/dd/YYYY format
so you’ll just need to add this parameter to the request string

Thanks for your help…