Can I change the "day of the week" screen?

  1. Can I make the “time timeline” mode a “day of the week” screen like the image?

  2. And can I freely use the drag function?
    example : jQuery/javascript Grid drag and drop rows within a single grid

You can try to make a step customization. in the header config please, try to define a format from date-fns. Something like:

    id: "hour_timeline",
    label: "Hour Timeline",
    layout: "timeline",
    config: {
      unassignedCol: true,
      step: [1, "hour"],
      header: [
        { unit: "day", step: 1, format: "do" },
        { unit: "hour", step: 1, format: "H" },
      //  ... you can add as much headers as you need
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you mean I can change the date format(like 2023 07) in the header from date-fns?
but where can I set the format for header

Regarding date title on toolbar:
You can customize it using the dateTitle parameter:

dateTitle: (date, [start, end]) => {
    return `
        ${format(date, 'YYYY')}.${format(start, 'MM')}

As for timleline header:
Please try to utilize the header parameter:

header: [
    { unit: 'month', step: 1, format: 'MMM' },
    { unit: 'day', step: 1, format: `d'day'` },

Here is an example: DHTMLX Snippet Tool


can I freely use the drag function?
example : jQuery/javascript Grid drag and drop rows within a single grid

As of now, we haven’t directly integrated the “Drag n drop Jquery Grid” plugin, so we can’t provide a definitive answer without knowing more about your use case. Could you please specify what elements you are looking to drag?