can I not change the value(like Na.N) when I am editing

hello,for example cells(4,3)=cells(4,1)*cells(4,2). when I am editing the cells(4,1),the cells(4,3) will show Na.N. when I stop editing, It will show the digital. can I not change the value(like Na.N) when I am editing. I mean that when I am editing the cells(4,1),the cells(4,3)'s value is previous. when I stop editing,Its value just change.
Thank you in advance!

Try using grid’s onEditCell event as below in your grid load function:-

function loadGrid(){

mygrid.attachEvent("onEditCell", doOnCellEdit(stage, rId, cInd, nValue, oValue) {
	if (stage == 2)	{
         //do your calculation and set the value in the grid's cell where you want
	return true;

could you give me an example? I don’t want the cell appear ‘Na.N’, when I am editing.

such issue occurs after updating the dhtmlxgrid to the 3.5.
Please, open ticket at so we can provide you a fix.