Can snap-resolution be other than scale_unit?


Let’s say I have a gantt with scale_unit=“month”. I have a task starting on the 14th. When I drag that task (even by a single pixel), it snaps to the end of the month (or beginning, depending on what direction I dragged it).

From a technical perspective that is logical. However, from a user experience perspective that might not be what’s expected. This is a common scenario for my users:

“This task begins in the middle of the month. I’m gonna drag it a little bit and start it a couple of days earlier. Whoa, what happened? And now I can’t even move it back, what’s happening??”

Looking at the onAfterTaskDrag event, I find nothing to help me find out the “correct” date the user dropped the task on. If I were given that date I could calculate my own snapping, if I wanted to use such a thing.

Does this need to be solved on the gantt module level or can I do something in my code that I simply missed?


you can disable this using round_dnd_dates config … onfig.html
Then dates should be rounded using the duration unit of the task


That was exactly what I was looking for, thanks!
