Cell editable not working for every cells

I’m using a grid in which I would like some cells to be editable.
My problem is that it’s working fine for the first row until the last column and not for the next rows

This is my code:

var grid = new dhx.Grid("grid_container", {
    columns: [
        { width: 100, id: "fp_id", header: [{ text: "facture" }] },
        { width: 100, id: "artisan", header: [{ text: "artisan" }] },
        { width: 200, id: "fp_taux_tva", header: [{ text: "taux tva" }], editable: true },
        { width: 200, id: "al", header: [{ text: "compte AL" }], editable: true },
        { width: 200, id: "s", header: [{ text: "compte S" }], editable: true },
        { width: 200, id: "ae", header: [{ text: "compte AE" }], editable: true },
        { width: 200, id: "ok", header: [{ text: "ok" }] },
    htmlEnable: true,
    headerRowHeight: 50,
    selection: "cell",
    data: dataset

Can you tell me what did I do wrong ?

Please, make sure that each row in your grid has a unique id.
If the porblem still occurs for you please, provide a complete demo or a demo link, where the problem could be reconstructed.