Cell type: stree - how to disable selection of specific node


I have master grid with stree column that contains items like this:

-item 1. openable, not selectable

–item 1.2 openable, not selectable

—item 1.2.1 selectable

—item 1.2.2 selectable

–item 1.3 openable, not selectable

—item 1.2.1 selectable

—item 1.2.2 selectable

I want to only specific nodes be selectable, so that double click on eg. item 1.2 only open the 1.2 but not select 1.2

Currently, when I click on item 1.2 my tree grid return item 1.2 value to master grid

I manage to block the selection by this code:

tree.attachEvent(“onClick”, function(rowId) {        

        if(!tree.getUserData(rowId,“selectable”)) {


alert(“You cannot select this node”);        



But this also works on single click, and I don’t want that.

Behavior can be changed only by modification in dhtmlxgrid_excell_tree.js


that._sub_id = id;
return true;

Can be changed as


if(!this.getUserData(id,“selectable”)) return true;
that._sub_id = id;
return true;