cflayout and grid and tabbar bug


dont know if you have ever come across this issue, but we have a cflayout (coldfusion) and using 2 cflayout areas - the first holds 4 tabs using your tabbar product (this cflayout area is collapsible) - and all the tabs have treegrid inside

the other cflayoutarea holds a grid and has around 5 columns in them - 3 of them coro types

the bug we have noticed is in the grid. one of the coro types is at the end of the grid, and to the grid is to small to show it, so we have to scroll right in order to see the column, when we do this and click to drop down the combo box in the coro column it does not show up in the correct place (underneath the column), it displays where the combo column was originally positioned when the page first loaded

this is our code thats sets up the cflayout:

     <cflayoutarea name=“MainDiv”


     style=“background-color:##fafcf9; height:100%;”>

<!— add grid (combo, clist) —>


<!— tabbar layout —>

     <cflayoutarea position=“left” splitter=“true”

     style=“width:320px; background-color:##f5f6f4;

     height:100%; margin-left:10” collapsible=“true”

     title=“Questions / Variables”>

     <!— add tabbar —>


have you seen this error before and if so is there a bug fix for it, if not then do you have a workaround please



Such problem may occur if grid has complex surrounding layout and code of popup editors can’t calculate correct position of grid.
Unfortunately we have not necessary environment ( CF8 ) to reconstruct issue.

The position calculated by using grid.getPosition method
If position of grid is fixed , you can wrap this method and add some kind of correction to it.

    var pos = grid.getPosition_old.apply(this,arguments);
    return pos;

where someX and someY - necessary correction
If problem still occurs for you - please provide some kind of demo link, or exact HTML|CSS code of generated page ( you can send it to

this is very easy to replicate.

cf8 is free to download. all you need to do is download it, install it, then create a normal html page in the wwwroot and rename it to .cfm extension. then use the cflayout tags and put a cgtreegrid inside it with some clists and coro’s and you will see the problem (- make sure you put enough columns in so that you have to scroll to the right to see the columns with the coros and clists as this is when the errors occur)

i understand that this may occur in some complex layout structures but this is a bug and surely it is your duty as the software provider to fix it, right? as if we use cflayouts and you are saying that we need to set the positions ourselves (even though it is not fixed it is on a horizontal scroll) then thats just unprofessional. its not hard to look into this and if it is going to make our lives that much harder seeing as we need to use these grids in cflayouts then we will have to discontinue use and go with an alternate option

if you take the position that because its a bug just in relation to coldfusion then you dont have to look into it, you should look into how big the coldfusion community is getting and how fast it is growing. you dont want to eliminate alot of customers just because of a bug that wouldnt take that long to replicate and fix

in the meantime, seeing as the grid is not fixed i would appreciate it if you could provide me with the code that i can use to ensure that the combo’s and clists drop down underneath their respective columns, as we are little lost as to what to do, thanks (we dont want to switch providers which is why we are asking)

i look forward to your response

Hi, as previously requested do you have any examples on how i can get the coro and clist to drop down in the correct position when the grid is not fixed, in this scenario?

thanks, we are awaiting your reply before we proceed
