Change Cell Value by JS

Hi everyone

As the title says I try to edit the value of a cell by a Javascript. In particular I want to add a Row Selection Marker that indicates which row is selected. I thought of a IMG row where I change the image depending on wether row is selected or not.
Forum search didn’t gave me any good hints on how to achive this, so does anyone has an idea on how to change the cell value or a completely different approach to my probleme.

Thanks in advanve


You can change the value of a needed cel by setValue API-method.
For example:

mygrid.cells(gridRowId,colInd).setValue("new value");

For setting a background image for a selected row you may try to usee CSS.
For example:

<style> div.gridbox table.obj tr.rowselected{ background-image: url(image.png); background-repeat: no-repeat; } </style>