Change container's height

Sir ,
My formData as below .
Can I change the width of the container after doOnLoad() function ?

Thank you
Best regards

formData = [
{type: “fieldset”, name: “mydata”, label: “Appearance”, width:240, list:[
{type: “settings”, position: “label-left”, labelWidth: 80, inputWidth: 90 },
{type: “input”, label: “User Name :”, value: “” },
{type: “label”, label:" " , inputWidth: “auto”, list:[
{type: “button”, value: “Search” },
{type: “newcolumn” },
{type: “button”, value: “Cancel” }
]} ,
{type: “container”, name: “myGrid”, label: “myGrid”, position: “label-top” , inputWidth: 300, inputHeight: 100}


myForm.setItemWidth(“myGrid”, 400);
myGrid.setSizes(); // if grid attached - adjust it

Thanks a lot .