I have the same problem than the previous “Changing date to empty with Calendar attached to an input”
but the response given is not enough.
how can i empty a field in read-only connected to a dhtmlxCalendar ?
Sure there is a solution by putting a button outside calendar wich will empty the field, but this is not visually satisfactory.
If you have a better solution, thanks a lot !!
function doOnLoad(){
var Cal = new dhtmlxCalendarObject(‘datefin’);
PS : I use struts and struts-layout, so the html is generated.
The code, that clears the input value, can be called from any javascript function. The calendar doesn’t provide any special methods to clear input.
Sorry for the misleading information. There is the “clear” button in calender.
We have attached the sample (the sample uses the latest version of dhtmlxcalendar.js please use it instead of the original one).
1240664400.zip (72.1 KB)
it’s clearly a better solution !!!