Chart inside Dataview


I’m using DHTMLX Pro v3.6 , and trying to put a chart inside a dataview cell
i tried to use the technique in this post
[url]Dhtmlxchart in dhtmlxdataview - Suite 5.0 - DHTMLX
but still the chart(burndown in the attached pic) doesn’t render inside the cell
it neither worked on XLE or after load events

My Code :

CDashboard = CDashboardTab.attachDataView({
        renderAll: true,
                template:"<div id='#ID#' class='DashbClass'><span style='height:20px;padding:2px 15px;font-weight:60;font-size:14px;color:White;'>#Name#<span style='font-weight:20;font-size:12px;color:White;'>#ProjName#</span> :-</span><table style='width:290px;height:280px;background-color:White;margin:10px 5px 4px 5px;'>#Content#</table></div>",
                css: "borderless",
                width: 320,
                height: 330
        select: false ,
        drag : true
CDashboard.attachEvent("onXLE", function (){
        DashbBurndownChart = new dhtmlXChart({
           container: document.getElementById("DashbBurndownCont"),
           tooltip: "#Pln#",
           item:{ radius:2,borderColor:"#ffffff", color:"#000000" },
           line:{ color:"#ff9900", width:2 },
           xAxis:{ title:"Period", template:"#Period#" },
           yAxis:{ start:0 ,title:"Value" } ,
           legend:{ values:[{text:"Planned",color:"#ff9900" },{text:"Realized",color:"#36abee"}],
                   toggle:true ,
       }) ;

Thanks in advance

First of all try to comment grids loading and build simple statick chart.
f chart is drawn, you need to send us completed demo

Thanks , i believe i just got it working, i was missing data loading

but may you help me with how to keep the content of Dataview,every time i change the tab the content is cleared , i had to preload the tables in init to make there after tab switching but that can’t work with the chart as it it’s appended to a container that’s created inside the template

in short : i believe the answer is how to properly use the “renderAll property to disable virtual rendering that causes redrawing on scrolling or page resizing”


renderAll: true disables virtual rendering. The issue is caused by attachDataView method

Try not to use attachDataView (this method sets event listener that re-renders dataview when the state of parent component changes). You can attach a div into tabbar cell (attachObject method) and initialize DataView in it.

I believe the answer is how to properly use the “renderAll property to disable virtual rendering that causes redrawing on scrolling or page resizing”