check/uncheck boxes in grid cells

i have a grid row containing 3 check boxes that i would like to behave like radio buttons: when one is checked, a script unchecks the other two; is there an API method for setting/changing the state of checkboxes? i tried seveal things but am still having trouble. a short example would help me greatly. thanks

i kept tinkering and resolved this with:
function doOnCheck(rowId, cellInd, state) {
switch (cellInd) {
case 1:
//turn 2 and 3 off
myGrid.cellById(rowId, 2).setChecked(false);
myGrid.cellById(rowId, 3).setChecked(false);
case 2:
//turn 1 and 3 off
myGrid.cellById(rowId, 1).setChecked(false);
myGrid.cellById(rowId, 3).setChecked(false);
case 3:
//turn 1 and 2 off
myGrid.cellById(rowId, 1).setChecked(false);
myGrid.cellById(rowId, 2).setChecked(false);
// do nothing
return true;