checkbox and onEditCell


I have customized the “ch” column type in the following way:

[code]function eXcell_jdaEdBool(cell) {
if (cell) {
this.cell = cell;
this.grid = this.cell.parentNode.grid;

// Indicates whether editing is allowed.
this.isDisabled = function() {
    return false;
  //Get the value for export cell data
this.getContent = function() {
	var a=this.cell.firstChild;
	var val = (a && a.tagName) ? a.checked : "";
	return (val == 'true' || val == 1 || val == 'on') ? "1" : "0";		
this.changeState = function (a) {
    a === !0 && !this.grid.isActive && (window.globalActiveDHTMLGridObject != null && window.globalActiveDHTMLGridObject != this.grid && window.globalActiveDHTMLGridObject.isActive &&
		window.globalActiveDHTMLGridObject.setActive(!1), this.grid.setActive(!0));
	if (this.grid.isEditable && !this.cell.parentNode._locked && !this.isDisabled())
	    this.grid.callEvent("onEditCell", [0, this.cell.parentNode.idd, this.cell._cellIndex]) ?
	        (this.val = this.getValue(),
	        this.val ? this.setValue("1") : this.setValue("0"),
	        this.cell.wasChanged = !0,
	        this.grid.callEvent("onEditCell", [1, this.cell.parentNode.idd, this.cell._cellIndex]),
	        this.grid.callEvent("onCheckbox", [this.cell.parentNode.idd, this.cell._cellIndex,
	        this.val != "1"]),
	        this.grid.callEvent("onCheck", [this.cell.parentNode.idd, this.cell._cellIndex, this.val != "1"])) :
	    this.editor = null ;

this.getValue = function () {
     return this.cell.firstChild.checked;
this.isCheckbox = function () {
    return !0
this.isChecked = function () {
	return this.getValue() == "1" ? !0 : !1
this.setChecked = function (a) {
this.detach = function () {
	return this.val != this.getValue()
this.setValue = function(val){
    var newVal = '<input onclick=\'new eXcell_jdaEdBool(this.parentNode).changeState(true);\' type="checkbox"' +
    ((val.replace(/(\r\n|\n|\r)/g, "").toLowerCase() == 'true' || val == 1) ? ' checked' : '') + (this.isDisabled() ? ' disabled' : '') + '/>';
    this.setCValue(newVal, val);
this.edit = null;

eXcell_jdaEdBool.prototype = new eXcell;[/code]

Now I have written an event on cell edit:

myGrid.attachEvent("onEditCell", onCellEdit);
    function onCellEdit(stage,rId,cInd,nValue,oValue){
            console.log("stage..." + stage+" new value.." + nValue + " old value..." + oValue);
            return true;

I get undefined in the new value as well as old value in both stage 0 and stage 1.
Could you please help me figure out what am I doing wrong here?

Unfortunately this is the expected behavior.
The new value value is set at the stage 2, when the editor is closing, so it cannot be get on the stages 0 and 1. This thing works the same even with the checkboxes.