
{type: "combo", name: "disorders_sex_func", comboType: "checkbox", label: "розлади статевої функції", options:[ {text: "AAC", value: "AAC", checked: "0"}, {text: "AC3", value: "AC3", checked: "1"}, {text: "MP3", value: "MP3", checked: "0"}, {text: "FLAC", value: "FLAC", checked: "1"} ]}


adisease_other_patient.load("…/xml/adisease_form_exudation_xml.php?action=load&form_data=<?php echo $_POST["id_appnt"];?>-adisease_exudation_patient");[/code]

what structure must be for load combochekbox or how to load checked values ??
there are examples with combo but not with combo checkbox in form

There same way as in single combo (first one): … boxes.html
If you need to check - add parameter checked: “1”

{value: "the_prince_and_the_pauper", checked: "1", text: "The Prince and the Pauper"},

If you don’t need to check - don’t add this parameter