Clarification regarding form updating and deleting

Ok I know this is a total noob question but please be gentle :slight_smile:

My question is simple, how do I trigger an insert or a delete operation for a form?

I have update,delete and insert operations defined in my connector using sql->atttach_sql() and I know they work ok when I let the connector just get on with it but I want to add events to my buttons to manually trigger them.
Iv read a number of the tutorials including this: and this

Iā€™ve also tried updating using custom data processor scrips (not connector scripts) but this hasā€™nt worked well.

Save() works fine for updates so I was wondering if there where methods along the lines of form.insert(), form.delete() or even somthing like form.setSaveOperationMode(ā€œinsertā€/ā€œdeleteā€).

Again sorry for the dumb questions but i am fairly new to this :slight_smile: .

Form is not usually used for deleting records. And ā€œinsertedā€ or ā€œupdatedā€ modes of DataProcessor are set automatically:

  • if a record was loaded into a form and the form is saved, an ā€œupdatedā€ request goes out;
  • in the other case, DP sends an ā€œinsertedā€ request.

If you want to change DP mode, you may try to use resetDataProcessor(mode) method (DP mode: ā€œinsertedā€,ā€œupdatedā€ or ā€œdeletedā€)


Thanks for the quick relpy Alexandra,

Unfortunatly your suggestion of using resetDataProcessor hasā€™nt worked, the debugger notes that the information is being updated and inserted as shown below:

row 1341562669890 marked [inserted,valid]
row 1341562684474 marked [inserted,valid]
row 1341562684801 marked [inserted,valid]

but nothing is showing in the db

my code is as follows:

studentDetailsDP = new dataProcessor ("resources/lib/cons/studentAdmin/studentDetails_formConfig.php");

// create an array to store the form structure 
 studentFormData =  [
 {type: "fieldset", name:"studentData", label:"Student Details",className:"formContainer",width: 1200, list:[
 {type:"input", name:"Student_No",label:"Student SUN:",maxLength:9,inputWidth:70,offsetLeft:0,offsetTop:10},
                            {type:"input", name:"Address_Line_1", label:"Addr Line 1:",maxLength:255,inputWidth:150,offsetLeft:0,offsetTop:10},
                            {type:"input", name:"Post_Code", label:"Post Code:",maxLength:9,inputWidth:70, offsetLeft: 0,offsetTop:10},
                            {type:"input", name:"Work_Phone_No", label:"Work Phone No.:",maxLength:255,inputWidth:130,offsetLeft:0,offsetTop:10},
                            // coloun 2
                            {type:"input", name:"Forename", label:"Forname:",maxLength:255,inputWidth:150,offsetLeft:0,offsetTop:10},
                            {type:"input", name:"Address_Line_2", label:"Addr Line 2:",maxLength:255,inputWidth:150,offsetLeft:0,offsetTop:10},
                            {type:"input", name:"Personal_Email", label:"Personal Email:",maxLength:255,inputWidth:150,offsetLeft:0,offsetTop:10},
                            {type:"input", name:"Home_Phone_No", label:"Home Phone No.:",maxLength:255,inputWidth:130,offsetLeft:0,offsetTop:10},
                            // column 3
                            {type:"input", name:"Surname", label:"Surname:",maxLength:255,inputWidth:150,offsetLeft:0,offsetTop:10},
                            {type:"input", name:"Address_Line_3", label:"Addr Line 3:",maxLength:255,inputWidth:150,offsetLeft:0,offsetTop:10},
                            {type:"input", name:"Email", label:" Email:",maxLength:255,inputWidth:150,offsetLeft:0,offsetTop:10},
                            {type:"input", name:"Mobile_Phone_No", label:"Mobile Phone No.:",maxLength:255,inputWidth:150,offsetLeft:0,offsetTop:10},
                            // coloumn 4 
                            {type:"select", name:"Mode_ID", label:"Mode ID:",
                                connector: "resources/lib/cons/studentAdmin/modeID_selConn.php" ,offsetLeft:0,offsetTop:10},
                            {type:"input", name:"Address_Line_4", label:"Addr Line 4:",maxLength:255,offsetLeft:0,offsetTop:10 },
                            {type:"select", name:"Route_ID", label:"Route ID:",connector:"resources/lib/cons/studentAdmin/routeID_selConn.php",position: "absolute",inputTop:12,inputLeft:260,labelLeft:180,labelTop:12}
                            //,{type:"input",name:"Placement_ID",label:"Placement ID",maxLength:9,position: "absolute",inputTop: 50,inputLeft: 330,labelLeft: 250, labelTop:50}

                // create a new form object place it within the div named grid container and
                // specify the formData array as its structure.
                studentDetailsForm = new dhtmlXForm("studentFormContainer",studentFormData);
                // create a data processor to allow database updating via the form 
                //and intiate the dataprocessors connection to the form 
                // load the php file required to connect to the db
                studentFormNavData = [{type: "fieldset", name:"studentControls", label:"Controls",className:"formControls",width: 1180, list:[
                            {type: "fieldset", name:"navControls", label:"Navigation",width: 500, list:[
                                    {type:"button", name:"first",value:"|<"},
                                    {type:"button",name:"next",value: ">>"},
                                    {type: "button",name: "last",value:">|"}
                            {type: "fieldset", name:"opsControls", label:"Add / Delete record",offsetLeft:105,offsetTop:0,width: 500, list:[
                                    {type:"button", name:"add_btn",value:"Add +"},
                                    {type:"button",name:"delete_btn",value:"Delete -",command:"delete"},
                studentNavForm = new dhtmlXForm("studentFormControls", studentFormNavData);
                studentNavForm.attachEvent ("onButtonClick",function clickHandler(id,value){
                    if (id == "add_btn"){
                        // clear the data  from the screen
                        // hide the delete and add buttons 
                        // show the update and cancel buttons
                    if (id == "delete_btn"){
                    if (id == "update_btn"){
                    if (id == "cancel_btn") {

and for my connector



if (!(($_SESSION['Authorised'] == true) && ($_SESSION['User_Level']) >= 1 )) {

define('CONFIG_PATH', $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/resources');
require_once (CONFIG_PATH . '/config.php');
require_once (CODEBASE_PATH . '/connector/form_connector.php');

$host = $dbConfig ['dbSettings']['mysql']['host'];
$dbName = $dbConfig ['dbSettings']['mysql']['dbname'];
$userName = $dbConfig ['dbSettings']['mysql']['username'];
$pwd = $dbConfig ['dbSettings']['mysql']['password'];
// get the db settings for each paramter an store each in a variable
$conn = mysql_connect($host, $userName, $pwd);
// create a new connection to the db using variables from config file
$form_conn = new FormConnector($conn);
// intilize the form connector

if (isset ($_SESSION['ID'])) {
    $id = $_SESSION['ID'];

else {
    echo "The following problem occoured while attempting student details operation: No id passed in SESSION variable";

$form_conn->sql->attach("update","UPDATE student SET 
                              Student_No = {Student_No},
                              Surname = '{Surname}',
                              Forename = '{Forename}',
                              Email = '{Email}',
                              Personal_Email = '{Personal_Email}',
                              Home_Phone_No = '{Home_Phone_No}',
                              Work_Phone_No = '{Work_Phone_No}',
                              Mobile_Phone_No = '{Mobile_Phone_No}',
                              Address_Line_1 = '{Address_Line_1}',
                              Address_Line_2 = '{Address_Line_2}',
                              Address_Line_3 = '{Address_Line_3}',
                              Address_Line_4 = '{Address_Line_4}',
                              Post_Code = '{Post_Code},
                              Mode_ID = '{Mode_ID}',
                              Route_ID = '{Route_ID}'
                              WHERE Student_No = $id ");

$form_conn->sql->attach("Insert","INSERT into student
                              VALUES {Student_No},'{Forename}','{Surname},

$form_conn->sql->attach("Delete","DELETE * FROM student
                                     WHERE Student_No = $id");


However from what you have said and what I have read its looking like form may not be the best tool for the job, what my boss/client wants is basically to be able to do the following:

  • view information about each recored one at a time
  • Have standard first,previous,next and last record buttons to navigate.(a function that is from
    what I have read not a standard feature of Form )
  • Be able to update,add or delete using buttons to manipulate records

Could you possibly suggest which of your tools would be best suited to these goals as form just does not seem to do what I need (btw your Grid framework has been great to use good work on that ).

Thanks in advance.

Hello ā€¦ Anyone?
Any one had do anything like this before?
Still struggling to get it to work using form, I would have thought it was a fairly common set of tasks to have to perform if not with form then with one of the other framework tools.

Possibly DataStore is what you need:


Thanks Alexandra,

ill take a look.