On that page where I integrate a context menu with a grid, if I click one of the items in the context menu that action causes the page to scroll to the top. How do I prevent that. What part of the code does the scrolling. I want the page to stay in place while I click on the menu in the grid.
Unfortunately we cannot reproduce this issue locally. Can you please provide complete demo where we can reproduce it? You can find tutorial how to create complete demo here docs.dhtmlx.com/doku.php?id=othe … leted_demo
Here is a sample file with one grid. The problem that I was trying to tell you about is that when I click on the menu button, the grid which was in view is scrolled again out of view at the bottom of the page.
can you resolve this problem?
If issue still actual - please provide any kind of sample or demo link where it can be checked.