clist error fieldsGrid.registerCList is not a function

I am getting this error when using clist as an excell:
fieldsGrid.registerCList is not a function

I am using the 3rd line shown here to call up the clist js file:

The correct path is as shown.

I also have these 2 lines included in my grid setup:
fieldsGrid.setColTypes (“ch,ro,ed,ed,clist,ro,ro”);
fieldsGrid.registerCList(4, [“corn”,“wheat”,“soybeans”,“milo”]);
The grid itself works fine, but I can’t figure out how to get clist to work.

Thanks for any help you can offer.

You code looks valid, check that

a) “./codebase/excells/dhtmlxgrid_excell_clist.js” really was loaded on the page
b) you are creating new grid as

var grid = new dhtmlXGridObject(
not as
var grid = dhtmlXGridObject(

Thanks so much for your reply. I am using “new” in the variable assignment:
function doOnLoad(){
var fieldsGrid= new dhtmlXGridObject(‘farmlo’);

The clist.js is definitely loading. If I exclude it, I get: Incorrect cell type: clist

My code loading the clist.js also now loads the acheck.js, as follows:

The correct path is as shown.

I also have these 2 lines included in my grid setup, now including “acheck” as a type:
fieldsGrid.setColTypes (“acheck,ro,ed,ed,clist,ro,ro”);
fieldsGrid.registerCList(4, [“corn”,“wheat”,“soybeans”,“milo”]);

My acheck column works fine, as does the rest of the grid if I exclude the clist references. But when I include clist, I continue to get this error:
fieldsGrid.registerCList is not a function

I wonder… when I first used dhtmlx I did not have the Pro version. Later, I upgraded to Pro. Is it possible that I may have some pre-Pro file lurking somewhere on my website that is causing this issue? I have both versions on my computer, and I have now re-uploaded files to make sure I am using Pro everywhere, but maybe I have missed something?

I saved my Pro version files on my desktop under folder: new_dhtmlxGrid_v30_110707

So, I assume I am using Pro version v30, dated 110707.


This problem on my grid has now been resolved. It turns out I had 2 instances of the following line:

The first instance was correctly placed. But the second instance, which had inadvertently not been removed by me in earlier editing was not correctly placed (and redundant anyway, of course). Once I removed the instance that was in error, clist worked fine. (I may now retry a couple other things I had given up on that may have had the same issue!)

Thanks so much for your help. It was looking at your suggestions that eventually led me to finding my problem.