It seems In your forum I found a couple of problem in your dhxWindow when closed the textbox becomes uneditable. I am making this prototype that uses dhxWindow, I was having the same problem with others when I close the windows, the parent textbox becomes uneditable i can’t even click on it. Please help.
Please provide us a demo?
I have attached a fragment of my demo. Launch the SampleDemoFragments.html. You will see in the middle a drop down with a Register Type label. Before clicking the drop down please all the textboxes if you could type on it, making sure it is not disabled or readonly by default. Then click on the drop down and choose Schedule option, this will pop-up a dhxWindows. Now click the Cancel button on the popup. Then try clicking the textbox or type on it, closing the popup window using “parent.dhxWins.window( id ).close ( );” causing the textbox uneditable.
Without refreshing the screen. Please try to choose the Schedule option again on the dropdown. Now on the popup dhxWindow try typing or clicking on the textbox with a label “Time (HH:MM)”. It is uneditable.
Basically closing dhxWindow using “parent.dhxWins.window( id ).close ( )” command causes textbox to become uneditable. However closing the window with its own closing button (X) mark dont produce this bug.
Demo Fragments.zip (247 KB)
Right, some troubles are present.
Try the updated file please. In code changes are marked. Just update single attached file.
SampleDemoFragments.zip (2.61 KB)
Mine is also more or less the same requirement, but i att. the URL instead object.
The solution what you provide is for win.hide()…but my requirement is each time when user click for a popup …i need to close the window and recreate instead of hide.
In the parent window i am using DHTMLX layout window which i am unable to access, after closing the window, even html buttons also i am unable to access.
What exactly do we need to in the window close event in popup and in parent window ?