Collpase resources

Hi, can I somehow collapse and expand resources smoothly at the click of a button?

You can try to achieve this by applying CSS transitions to the height property:

.smooth-transition {
    transition: height 0.5s ease-in-out;

gantt.$root.querySelector(".collapse-button").onclick = function() {
    const newHeight = 0;
    const container = gantt.$root.querySelectorAll(".gantt_layout_cell")[1];
    container.classList.add("smooth-transition"); = newHeight + "px";

Here is an example: DHTMLX Snippet Tool . Please note that this example requires further development and testing.

Hello, is there a possibility that the height of the resource table will always be according to the amount of content, without scrolling, and the rest of the space will already be occupied by a gantt chart?

There is no built-in solution for this, but you can achieve it manually. Here’s one way to do it:

gantt.attachEvent("onGanttReady", () => {
    const resourcesStore = gantt.getDatastore("resource").pull;
    gantt.config.layout.rows[2].height = Object.keys(resourcesStore).length * 36 + gantt.config.scale_height + 1;

Here’s a working example: DHTMLX Snippet Tool

thanks for response, but only by default, my first-level rows are expanded, and the deeper-level rows are collapsed, also in your example, if you collapse a row, there is empty space at the bottom, and the resource table is on top, also when opening and closing rows, the height should change

I’ve slightly improved the solution. Now it tracks when a resource is collapsed, recalculates the height, and updates the resource view accordingly:

gantt.attachEvent("onGanttReady", () => {

function updateResourceHeight() {
    const resourcesStore = gantt.getDatastore("resource").pull;
    let visibleResources = 0;

    // Iterate through all resources and count only visible ones
    for (let id in resourcesStore) {
        let resource = resourcesStore[id];

        if (isParentVisible(resource)) {

    // Calculate the new height based on the number of visible resources
    const newHeight = visibleResources * 36 + gantt.config.scale_height + 1;

    gantt.config.layout.rows[2].height = newHeight;

function isParentVisible(resource) {
    if (!resource.parent) return true;
    let parent = gantt.getDatastore("resource").getItem(resource.parent);

    if (parent && !parent.$open) {
        return false;

    return isParentVisible(parent);

gantt.attachEvent("onEmptyClick", (e) => {
    if ('.gantt_tree_icon.gantt_close')) {
        let parent ='.resourceGrid_cell');
        if (parent) {
            gantt.message(`Update height`);

            setTimeout(() => {
            }, 0);

Here is an example: DHTMLX Snippet Tool . Please note that this example is not complete, and you will need to refine the height recalculation logic when expanding a resource.