Colorizing Date in Form's Calendar?


Is there a way to colorize today’s date in Form’s Calendar?

Thank you

You can only play with the next:
.dhtmlxcalendar_container div.dhtmlxcalendar_dates_cont ul.dhtmlxcalendar_line li.dhtmlxcalendar_cell.dhtmlxcalendar_cell_month { color: #xxxxxx; } - this style helps you to set color to common days
.dhtmlxcalendar_container div.dhtmlxcalendar_dates_cont ul.dhtmlxcalendar_line li.dhtmlxcalendar_cell.dhtmlxcalendar_cell_month_weekend { color: #xxxxxx; } - this style helps you to set color to holidays
.dhtmlxcalendar_container div.dhtmlxcalendar_dates_cont ul.dhtmlxcalendar_line li.dhtmlxcalendar_cell {color: #xxxxxx; } - this style helps you to set color to other month days
And if you set holidays by onclick, you can set a style for this day.

.dhtmlxcalendar_container div.dhtmlxcalendar_dates_cont ul.dhtmlxcalendar_line li.dhtmlxcalendar_cell.dhtmlxcalendar_cell_month_date_holiday { background-color: #FFFF00; background-image: none; background-position: 0; color: green; } .dhtmlxcalendar_container div.dhtmlxcalendar_dates_cont ul.dhtmlxcalendar_line li.dhtmlxcalendar_cell.dhtmlxcalendar_cell_month_holiday { background-color: #FFFF00; background-image: none; background-position: 0; color: green; }
And script:

myForm.getCalendar("myCalendar").attachEvent("onClick",function(date){ myCalendar.setHolidays(date); })

Thank you … that helped :slight_smile:

You are welcome