Colspan cells are repeated in PrintView

I have a simple test grid defined as below:

          grdPrint.addRow(1,"Roger Way,A,A*");
          sSpan = "This is the report text 1. This is the report text 2. This is the report text 3. This is the report text 4. ";
          sSpan = sSpan + "This is the report text 5. This is the report text 6. This is the report text 7. This is the report text 8. ,,";
          grdPrint.addRow(3,"John Kerslake,A,A*");

The grdPrint is displayed as expected; the second row looks like a single cell spanning the three columns.

The problem is that the printView version of the grid isn’t ‘honouring’ the Colspan and displays all the text three times, once in each of the spanned cells.

How can I get the printView to honour the spanned cells?


Roger Way

Unfortunately this is known limitation of pritnView() method.