Mine grids have possibilities to save columns widths and columns index after column moves . I’m using that:
mygrid.enableMultiselect( true );
mygrid.enableColumnMove( true );
mygrid.setAwaitedRowHeight( 22 );
mygrid.attachEvent( "onResizeEnd", function( obj ){ grid_save( mygrid, gid ); } );
mygrid.attachEvent( "onColumnHidden", function( index, state ){ grid_save( mygrid, gid ); } );
mygrid.attachEvent( "onAfterCMove", function( cInd, posInd ){ grid_col_save( mygrid, gid ) } );
I have a small problem then pressing on column header select filter button . It appears a small flick and run event “onResizeEnd” . How to avoid that ?
With best regards !