I have a grid in which a column is a CORO type with its values being loaded from remote JSON file.
After loading I do the following to set the TITLES of the cells and the labels of the combos:
var current_values = new Object();
var combo_column_index = 5;
var grid = this;
$.each(grid.getAllRowIds(",").split(","), function(key, value){
current_values[value] = grid.cells(value, combo_column_index).getValue();
grid.cells(value, combo_column_index).setValue("");
var grid_combo = grid.getCombo(combo_column_index);
$.each(values, function(key, value){
if(value[“value”] !== undefined && value[“label”] !== undefined){
grid_combo.put(value[“value”], value[“label”]);
grid_combo.put(value[Object.keys(value)[0]], value[Object.keys(value)[1]]);
$.each(grid.getAllRowIds(",").split(","), function(key, value){
grid.cells(value, combo_column_index).setValue(current_values[value]);
It works great, but the problem is that if I sort the column it will sort using the underlying VALUE of the cell, instead of the TITLE/LABEL.
How can I set the column sorting to use the TITLE instead of the VALUE for this column?