Can a filter on a Combo Box wildcard value that not only looks at the start of the value but also include what is included anywhere in the values. For example if there is a list of data like this
United States
and the user enters the leter “i” in the combo box then the combo box would limit the list to United States and China because they include the letter “i” in them.
Please check the topic
It seems the issue is the same
Hi Alexandra,
The link you pasted in the previous post does discuss about the wildcard search.
However, the since the current version of dhtmlxcombo.js is v.3.0 build 110707, the solution mentioned in the link does not apply to this version.
Could you please have a look at it in the new version.
the approach is actual for the 3.0 version too. However, you need to modify the dhtmlxcombo.js in sources folder. Libraries in the codebase folder are minified.