Combo enableOptionAutoWidth() and enableOptionAutoHeight()


We are upgrading our web application from dhtmlxSuite 3.0 to 4.2 and we have noticed the enableOptionAutoWidth() and enableOptionAutoHeight() methods are no longer supported for the dhtmlxCombo.

How do we achieve the same functionality in the 4.2 version of the dhtmlxCombo that was previously provided by the enableOptionAutoWidth() and enableOptionAutoHeight() methods?



that’s correct, functions were deprecated.

anyway, here is an example

attach events to your combo

myCombo.attachEvent("onOpen", checkWidth); myCombo.attachEvent("onOpen", checkWidth);

and event body

function checkWidth() { var w = 0; if (this.w_test == null) { this.w_test = document.createElement("DIV"); this.w_test.className = "dhxcombolist_"; this.w_test.innerHTML = "<div class='dhxcombo_option'><div class='dhxcombo_option_text'></div></div>"; document.body.appendChild(this.w_test); // this.unload2 = this.unload; this.unload = function() { if (this.w_test.parentNode != null) { this.w_test.parentNode.removeChild(this.w_test); this.w_test = null; } this.unload2.apply(this, arguments); } } = "left: 0px; top: 0px;"; = ""; for (var q=0; q<this.list.childNodes.length; q++) { this.w_test.firstChild.firstChild.innerHTML = this.list.childNodes[q].firstChild.innerHTML; w = Math.max(w, this.w_test.offsetWidth); } if (this.list.scrollHeight+4 > this.list.clientHeight) { // scroll appear += "height: 66px;"; this.w_test.innerHTML = "<div class='dhxcombo_option'><div class='dhxcombo_option_text'>Long text to detect scroll</div></div>"+ "<div class='dhxcombo_option'><div class='dhxcombo_option_text'>Long text to detect scroll</div></div>"+ "<div class='dhxcombo_option'><div class='dhxcombo_option_text'>Long text to detect scroll</div></div>"+ "<div class='dhxcombo_option'><div class='dhxcombo_option_text'>Long text to detect scroll</div></div>"; w += this.w_test.offsetWidth-this.w_test.firstChild.firstChild.offsetWidth; this.w_test.innerHTML = "<div class='dhxcombo_option'><div class='dhxcombo_option_text'></div></div>"; } = "none"; = Math.max(w,this.conf.combo_width)+"px"; }

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