Combo groups : see the first option in second combo

I make combo group like

combo_init.attachEvent ( 'onChange', function(value){ combo_lie.clearAll(); combo_lie.setComboValue(null); combo_lie.setComboText(""); if (value != null) { combo_lie.load("/saisie/saisie/combo_libelle_dpdr.php?codeDPDR="+value); } });
Who to force the value of combo_lie to his first option (to see it) ?


could you please clarify your question?

I woud the first option (of combo_liee) selected by default, to see it without choose it in the list of options.

When I select A00 the second combo doesn’t display the first value : combo1.png.
I would the value displyed : combo2.png.

I don’t understand where the values are stocked.
I see “CHOLERA” in the combo, but getOptionsCount() = 0.
When I add options like

combo_lie.addOption([ ["aaaa","option A"], ["bbbb","option B", "color:red;"], ["cccc","option C"]]);
getOptionsCount() = 3; but I don’t see the options in the combo.

combo_init.attachEvent ( 'onChange', function(value){ combo_lie.clearAll(); combo_lie.setComboValue(null); combo_lie.setComboText(""); if (value != null) { combo_lie.load("/saisie/saisie/combo_libelle_dpdr.php?codeDPDR="+value, function(){ combo_lie.selectOption(0); // <-- select first option in list if any }); } }); … ption.html