combo in grid constructor


I am trying to intialize an auto-completing combo inside of grid using object constructor.

Here is the code:

igrid = new dhtmlXGridObject({
parent: “gridObj”,
image_path: “…/…/…/dhtmlxGrid/codebase/imgs/”,
skin: “dhx_skyblue”,
columns: [
{ label: “Category”, width:120, type:“combo”,
filter: true,
xml: “xml/categories.xml”
} ]

My categories.xml looks like this:

<?xml version="1.0"?> Temp

Where am I going wrong?

While object initialization dhtmlxGrid object doesnt’ have “filter” and “xml” properties of the “label”. You should use dhtmlxCombo API:

igrid = new dhtmlXGridObject({ parent: "gridbox", image_path: "../codebase/imgs/", skin: "dhx_skyblue", columns: [ { label: "Category", width:120, type:"combo" } ] }); var combo=igrid.getColumnCombo(0); combo.loadXML("categories.xml"); combo.enableFilteringMode(true);

Thanks…that works now