I have scheduler PRO v5.3.13
In this page :
It’s not written if to use the combo, I have to buy the Suite, I hope not because the “Select” component is very limited.
If I don’t have to buy it, where can I Download it ?
A combo box presented by the DHTMLX Combo component is used as an example in our doc. You can apply another 3-d party tools to use combo control.
For example, you can use Select2 of jQuery:
https://select2.org/getting-started/basic-usage ;
You can implement your custom lightbox control by form_blocks
There is an article about it:
https://docs.dhtmlx.com/scheduler/custom_lightbox_editor.html ;
Then you can use this new type when you configure the lightbox:
{ name:“details”, height:35, map_to:“text”, type:“combo_multiselect”, focus:true}
Here is an example of how it can be implemented:
Thanks a lot for the example with Select2. I was trying to implement a 3rd party select and having a lot of problem (integrating pure JS in react/typescript, overflow-y,…). Do you have an example with DHTMLX Combo with multiple select ? Where can i get a free version of DHTMLX combo ?