combo in toolbar - onChange - set combo backgroundColor

hi, is it possible to change background-color of my combo in toolbar?

cloneDIV = toolbar.objPull[toolbar.idPrefix+"clone"].obj;
toolbar.objPull[toolbar.idPrefix+"clone"].obj.innerHTML = "";
clone = new dhtmlXCombo(cloneDIV, 'clone', 160);  // placeholdert
clone.attachEvent("onSelectionChange", function(){
            // only the outer div background-color changes ... 
	toolbar.objPull[toolbar.idPrefix+"clone"] = '#ffe5ad';

this combo will be filled by another combo onChange-event (callback)

fillClone = function() {
for(i = 0; i < combo.optionsArr.length; i++){
// not the selected option
if(combo.getActualValue() != combo.getOptionByIndex(i).value){ clone.addOption(combo.getOptionByIndex(i).value, combo.getOptionByIndex(i).text, ‘background-color:#ffe5ad’);

i can only set background-color for options, not for input-field in combo.
if is not possible, may be define background-color by init?

i found a possibility to set style over input-css (prototype-api)

var c = 0;
$$(‘input.dhx_combo_input’).each( function(e) {
if (c==1) { // only second combo needs highlighting …

… but is not very elegant.

You may try to change the combo style in the css:

/combo container css/
.dhx_combo_input {
/combo input css/
/combo list css/