Combo slow loading of a lot of options


I am implementing combo with “contains” option, which means my servlet returns options that contain the pattern for each call. For a letter “a” it is around 3500 options which is quite big for IE. Is there a way to load options gradually, or using paging or any other mechanism that would make it process smooth? Can you also explain in greater details the meaning of “pos” request parameter, and “cache” and “autosubload” parameters of enableFilteringMode method?



Is there a way to load options gradually,
Yes, it possible, to enable such mode
In such mode your server side code may returns only 20 items ( or any other numbers ) instead of 3500, when user scroll the end of option , combo will send request to the server for additional data ( it will provide additional parameter “pos” to inform from which position options for current mask need to be outputed.

>>Can you also explain in greater details the meaning of “pos” request parameter, and “cache” and “autosubload” parameters of enableFilteringMode method?
cache - enable|disable cach of responses on client side, each time when user cahnges text in control it sends request to the server. With cache option enabled - it will cache responses, and use them ( if possible ) instead of re-loading data again and again.

If you need a JSP based sample of combo in subloading mode - please contact us directly at