Combo to display only 2 rows if i have 2 values?, set row he

Hi, Thank You for the asistance!

z.enableFilteringMode(true); - does not work: tested in the html test page i had.

1. I want only 2 rows dropdown if i have only 2 values?

2. How does one set the row height of the combo?

3. Also why does the text/object after the combo move to a new line beneath the combo?

Thank You !


>>1. I want only 2 rows dropdown if i have only 2 values?

The combo can work only in two modes

a) show all options
b) show options which include text which typed in text part of combo

any other mode can be implemented only by custom modification.

>>2. How does one set the row height of the combo?
The height of combobox itself defined in dhtmlxcombo.css, dhx_combo_box rule
The height of separate options defined only by their content ( autosized to content height )

>>3. Also why does the text/object after the combo move to a new line beneath the combo?

This is caused by component design, and there is no way to implement another behavior without dropping cross-browser compatibility.