Connection conn= ( new DataBaseConnection()).getConnection();
SchedulerConnector c = new SchedulerConnector(conn);
OptionsConnector list=new OptionsConnector(conn);
list.render_sql(“select deptid,deptname from ereg_department where orgid=3”, “deptid”,“deptid(value),deptname(label)”);
c.set_options(“type”, list);
combo box values are not loading please help me.
Can you provide the client side lightbox configuration and final line of connector configuration ( where render is called for the SchedulerConnector) ?
Connection conn= ( new DataBaseConnection()).getConnection();
SchedulerConnector c = new SchedulerConnector(conn);
OptionsConnector list=new OptionsConnector(conn);
list.render_sql(“select deptid,deptname from ereg_department where orgid=3”, “deptid”,“deptid(value),deptname(label)”);
c.set_options(“type”, list);
client side lightbox configuration
{name:"description", height:60, map_to:"text", type:"textarea" , focus:true},
{name:"location", height:30, type:"textarea", map_to:"details" },
{ name:"department", height:21, map_to:"departmentid", type:"select",
{name:"time", height:72, type:"time", map_to:"auto"}
Sir give me a solution
Try to alter list.render_sql line as
list.render_sql(“select deptid as value,deptname as label from ereg_department where orgid=3”, “”,“deptid(value),deptname(label)”);