complex header/column


I want to construct my grid with complex header/column in XML format, like picture (sample.png) file attached…

I had tried it many times, but always failed. Here’s my xml format code :

		<column width="50" type="ro" align="left" sort="int"><![CDATA[A]]></column>
		<column width="300" type="ro" align="left" sort="str"><![CDATA[B]]></column>				
		<column width="70" type="edn" align="center" sort="int"><![CDATA[C]]></column>				
		<column width="70" type="ro" align="center" sort="int">#cspan</column>
		<column width="70" type="ro" align="center" sort="int">#cspan</column>
		<column width="70" type="ro" align="center" sort="int">#cspan</column>
		<column width="70" type="ro" align="left" sort="int"><![CDATA[D]]></column>
		<column width="70" type="ro" align="center" sort="int">#cspan</column>
		<column width="70" type="ro" align="center" sort="int">#cspan</column>
		<column width="70" type="ro" align="center" sort="int">#cspan</column>	
		<column width="70" type="ro" align="center" sort="int">#cspan</column>
		<column width="70" type="ro" align="center" sort="int">#cspan</column>
		<column width="70" type="ro" align="center" sort="int">#cspan</column>	
		<column width="70" type="ro" align="center" sort="int">#cspan</column>	
		<column width="70" type="ro" align="center" sort="int">#cspan</column>
		<column width="70" type="ro" align="center" sort="int">#cspan</column>
		<column width="70" type="ro" align="center" sort="int">#cspan</column>	
		<column width="70" type="ro" align="center" sort="int">#cspan</column>	
          <call command="attachHeader">
		  <call command="attachHeader">

And this what i got like picture (sample1.png) .

Any ideas ? Thank You.


Please, check your structure and the number of columns.
The number of columns in the attachHeader method should be equal to the number of columns in the setHeader method.
The following structure works well for me:


      <call command="attachHeader">
    <call command="attachHeader">

Hi, Sematik Thank You very much for your replay.

One more, Is it possible to construct the grid header like this picture ?

Best regards,


C1 cell - unfortunately the cell cannot be in colspan AND in rowspan at the same time.

Hi, sematik

Is there a possible attributes of the column of grid 's header to set its width-border ?

Thank You.

In XML format.

Unfortunately such feature is not available.