Complex select for grid

Hi !
What is bad with this query ?

select a.grupe as grupe,a.eile as eile,a.op_nr as op_nr,b.pav_lt as pavad,b.opr_laik as opr_laik,b.irengin as irengin,a.padal as padal,a.opr_grupe as opr_grupe,a.kontr_opr as kontr_opr,a.skaid as skaid from gam_opr a INNER JOIN opr b ON a.op_nr=b.op_nr and b.db=‘ut’ where a.model=‘002-780’ and a.db=‘ut’

I tried that with MySql - works fine . But then I tried to send this for grid data load - it php return
error ( attached picture ) . Please help in this situation …

With best regards !

Forgot to add php source :

require_once( "config.php" );
require( "php/codebase/grid_connector.php" );
require( "php/codebase/db_mysqli.php" );
$slc_tbl = $_GET[ 'tbl' ];
$slc_fld = $_GET[ 'fld' ];
$slc_qry = $_GET[ 'qry' ];
$kalba   = $_GET[ 'k_l' ];

$link    = new mysqli( $myServ, $myUser, $myPasw, $myDb );
if ( $link->connect_errno )
   die( 'Prisijungimo klaida : (' . $link->connect_errno . ') ' . $link->connect_error );

$grid = new GridConnector( $link, "MySQLi" );
$grid->dynamic_loading( 100 );
$grid->render_sql( $slc_qry, "", $slc_fld );

Ok , I changed $slc_fld . At first I was sending :
Now I redid that with tables prefics :
Now php ends without error . But it return grid without values : ( from xml )

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8' ?>

What is bad with that ?

Forget it … :smiley: . At last I found mine own error … It works fine now.