We want to reduce the hegiht of the second header of the grid which is used to display filters, currently it seems like height is fixed to 25px and padding top and bottom is fixed to 5 px, which makes the height of the header with the filter to 75px.
How can we configure the padding of the filter?
All headers share the same css class, you can add the next code after grid’s init
grid.hdr.rows[2].className+=" secondRow";
and assign any necessary styles through secondRow css class
We tried but it didn’t work.
This is how our code looks like
first call grid.init and then
call grid.loadXmlString
call grid.attachFooter
in our xml string we also have afterInit callback for setting up our second header (filters)
we tried your suggestion, so we first tried calling it just after call to grid.init, but it failed as at that time grid.hdr.rows[2] is null.
so we tried calling in the end, that is after loadXmlString and attachHeader has been called, this time it didn’t throw any error but the style was not reflected.
so we tried calling in the end, that is after loadXmlString and attachHeader has been called
It must work
Try to define your styles similar to next
tr.secondRow td {
background-color:red !important;