Configuring Target Path in UNIX hosting using cpanel

Hi, I have an application that will use the dhtmlxVault. It’s working in my local IIS set-up but the free hosting is in UNIX and I only have access via cpanel.

Can anybody please help me on how to modify the target path in the php_simple/UploadHandler.php so that my upload will work?

Thanks a lot.

Here’s my current modification of the php_simple/UploadHandler.php but it doesn’t seem to work:

$id = $_GET[‘sessionId’];
$id = trim($id);

$inputName = $_GET['userfile'];
$fileName  = $_FILES[$inputName]['name'];
$tempLoc   = $_FILES[$inputName]['tmp_name'];
echo $_FILES[$inputName]['error'];

// $target_path = ‘c:\upload\’; -->original code
// $target_path = ‘c:\inetpub\wwwroot\famex\uploads\’; -->my local workstation
$target_path = ‘/famex/uploads/’;
$target_path = $target_path . basename($fileName);
$_SESSION[‘value’] = -1;