Confirmation after posting changes to DB

We’re using the latest Scheduler mobile version for testing right now. We have successfully posted new events and modified events through custom JSON calls. Everything seems to work find except that it doesn’t appear to “clear out” the information from one call to the other when monitoring the calls in Chrome.

If we add an event, the content is correct. But if we try to add a second new event, it sends the first event content PLUS the second event content in the second request. This results in 2 new items in the DB (one is now a duplicate of the first). It seems like something is wanting a return status or something to “clear out” the first event or else it keeps trying to send it until there’s a confirmation. We can’t find what we’re looking for in the documentation so we just need some help figuring out how to let the object know that we’ve received and successfully processed a request on the server side.

We’re working in ColdFusion if that matters but I think we’re looking for something that is platform independent. We can translate to CF on our end if we know what we’re looking for.

What is the response for the first data saving operation? It must be an xml with valid action@type value. If type was set to some not supported value ( “insert” for insert operation ), record will not be marked as saved on client side, which may result in second saving attempt for the same record.

Is there a list of valid responses? This is a custom component doing the posts and I can return anything I need to. I didn’t see any information anywhere on what needed to be returned.

For database related queries I used a Web Service and the jQuery.ajax call. The ajax method supports a success and failed handler for when the call returns. I found this to be much easier than using the php class for live updates.

Ok. I figured this one out. I didn’t realize that the response had to be XML with certain data elements. I basically had to follow the information here: I wasn’t doing any of that. Once I set it as XML and returned the right type and ids, it worked fine.

Would be nice to have a little more direct reference to that in the Scheduler code somewhere. There are several links to get through to get to that information and if you don’t know how the dataprocessor works in the first place, you wouldn’t know how to even look that up (like in my case).