Connector.js > this.serverProcessor.indexOf is not a functio

I try to create an example with dhtmlXDataStore and lDataProcessor.
But the javascript returns an error message in the Connector.js file.
What’s here the Problem?

this.serverProcessor.indexOf is not a function
The code is in Line 123:

My Code:
var lDataStore = new dhtmlXDataStore({url:“PersonConn”, datatype:“xml”});
var lDataProcessor = new dataProcessor({url:“PersonConn”, datatype:“xml”});
lPersonDataProcessor.init(lPersonDataStore); → Error in Connector.js

I found the problem

var lDataProcessor = new dataProcessor({url:“PersonConn”, datatype:“xml”});
var lDataProcessor = new dataProcessor(“PersonConn”);
:blush: :blush: :blush: :blush:
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