Dear Support,
I thought it would be a good idea to have a context menu built into the dhtmlxScheduler to control events, with the following functionality built into it:
- The context menu itself, could be enabled or disabled with a switch
- Each item on the context menu could be disabled or enabled with a switch
- The ability to create your own events and add it to the Context menu of the scheduler.
- The ability to Delete an event from the scheduler, which is only displayed when using the context menu on an event.
- The ability to create a clone of the event in the scheduler, which is only displayed when using the context menu on an event. (Open a lightbox with the current event information, but with an insert statement instead of an update statement on the previous event, too use in combination with recurring events etc).
- The ability to edit an event in the scheduler, which is only displayed when using the context menu on an event.
- The ability to make the event “Locked” (unedittable)
- The ability to create a new event on the scheduler.
Kind regards