Contributed Christmas Gift Manager utilizing dhtmlxGrid

I bundled up an application I wrote to manage my Christmas gifts from year to year.

Its a simple perl cgi package with a mysql backend and uses the dhtmlxGrid object.


See what gifts are on order, backorder or acquired etc.
See gift totals per person and a grand total for the season.
Gifts can be added to the package without being assigned to a season or a specific person to be assigned at a later date
See a summary view that shows the gift totals over the last five years for trending
Gift recipients are checked off the list and marked complete to easily see who is left.
Record notes to track recipients ‘likes’, ‘dislikes’, ‘needs’, ‘doesnt need’ items.

I hope someone will find it useful… Its not fancy but has become very useful for me.

download and screenshots are here - … index.html

Hi! Looks interesting. Thanks for sharing.

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