correct XML doc format for DataSource in Visual Designer

I am trying to use an XML document as a data source for a grid in Visual Designer (since we can’t figure out how to connect to a db). I tried using a an XML file that was a table export out of the PHPmyadmin tool, but when I give this as a data source I get an error popup message that is completely empty. Is there a specific format requirement for the xml documents that this tool accepts? The format of an XML doc outputted by phpmyadmin and the one contained in the
/dhtmlxDataStore/samples/common/data directory look very different.

The gird.xml file that comes with the software starts out like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> -1500 A Time to Kill

And our export xml file from phpmyadmin starts out with a bunch of header information and then finally looks like this:

<database name="dbname">
    <!-- Table objects -->
    <table name="table1">
        <column name="ID">2</column>
        <column name="field2">spherical, Delos</column>
        <column name="field3">2</column>
        <column name="field4">equinox: selectlanguage{polutonikogreek} &gt;[ioh] mh [r'ia] 

Is there a recommended way to generate the xml files in the format that Visual Designer is looking for? If so how?



Grid requires specific xml format … lGrid.html

Ok, thanks for the answer. So the next question is how do most people create the file in this format? Do most people just do a search and replace on the tags and strip out the other header info? Or should I write a script to move from the Phymyadmin format to your format? (and is there already one of these out there?) Is there any other documentation on this other than the file with the sample format? How does everybody else do this?



If you are loading data from bd - there is a set of solutions for php, java, .net which will generate xml data in necessary format. … x.shtml?mn