Could use some advice on multi-user group calendar

I’m working on a vacation planner for my team. Each user will have an account, and all events will be owned by a user.

My question is about how I can visually make this work. I would want each user’s events to be evident (coloring?) and would also like the ability to filter for the user’s own events.

  1. For colors, I figure I can the event_class to generate the class based on the user, then use CSS to map to colors. But wondering if something else might make more sense.
  2. For filtering, I see how to do event filtering with the filter_<view> but I would want to do the filtering more globally and based on a UI control somewhere on the calendar; like a “Only Mine” checkbox or something.



You also can set the color into the event object like in this example
{ start_date: "2018-04-24 09:00", end_date: "2018-04-24 17:00", text:"Usual event", color:"#0288D1", textColor:"white"}
More details in the guide:

Have you seen the sample with checkboxes?
You need a similar solution: create checkbox “only mine”, call the filter function and “return true” for tasks with the required user.

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