Creating a clickable Stacked, Horizontal Bar Chart

I want to create a clickable, stacked, horizontal bar chart so when the user clicks on a colored segment of the bar, he is taken to a page showing the data behind that portion of the chart.

I have the onClick events working. And I also have the cursor turning into a hand when the mouse is pointing at a bar. The problem is, the onMouseMove and onMouseOut events seem to have a built-in delay, so the user doesn’t get the snappy response they would expect if they mouse over a clickable element.

Is there a way to get what I’m looking for? The code I tried is:

barChart3.attachEvent("onMouseMove", function(id) {'pointer'; }); barChart3.attachEvent("onMouseOut", function(id) {'default'; });

You can use following code:

barChart1.attachEvent("onMouseMoving",function(e){ var target = (||e.srcElement); = (target.tagName == "AREA"?"pointer":"default"); })

Perfect! That’s exactly what I was looking for!