Hello, I need help. Could you please explain why the milestone in the following example is not critical and how can I change the milestone to critical?
Let me try to clarify what I want to do. I have Gantt with a lot of tasks, milestones, multiple scales, critical path etc… I want to set the milestones at the middle of the day, thats mean I must to set hours of the milestones to 12:00. My project ends at 20:00, so critical path will not work correctly for me. Checking if the project is critical will skip milestones on the end of the project because start date of the milestone != end date of the project.
May I know if it’s possible to specify different dates for the critical path calculation and positioning of the milestones or how to skip hours in the critical path calculation?
Setting up custom margin for the milestones is not possible.
Simple example:
Thank you for the clarification. If there is only one project in the Gantt, you can specify the end date of a project via project_end
config. All tasks after this date will be considered critical.
Here is a demo:
If there are several projects in your Gantt, there is no built-in way to specify the milestones as critical. In order to highlight the milestone as a critical in your own way, you should use the task_class
template, which returns the name of the class. In the function inside this template, you can implement your custom solution to indicate what milestones to be considered as critical. In the snippet below all milestones are considered critical, in spite of there date.
Here is a demo:
Thank you for the reply!