Current date always selected

How can I set the current date(today) always selected. dhtmlxCalendar v.3.6

If you mean on loading - calendar selects current date by default.

I mean that the current day always remain highlighted


the following add once on page, make sure calendar.js loaded

dhtmlXCalendarObject.prototype.enableTodayHighlight = function(mode) { if (mode == true && this._updateCellStyle2 == null) { this._updateCellStyle2 = this._updateCellStyle; this._updateCellStyle = function(q, w) { this._updateCellStyle2.apply(this, arguments); var t = new Date(); t = new Date(t.getFullYear(), t.getMonth(), t.getDate(), 0, 0, 0, 0); var r = this.contDates.childNodes[q].childNodes[w]; if (r._date.getTime() == t.getTime() && !r._css_hover) r.className += "_hover"; } this.setDate(this.getDate()); return; } if (mode == false && this._updateCellStyle2 != null) { this._updateCellStyle = this._updateCellStyle2; this._updateCellStyle2 = null; this.setDate(this.getDate()); } }

enable/disable of highlighting

myCalendar = new dhtmlXCalendarObject("calendarHere"); myCalendar.enableTodayHighlight(true); // or false

OK, Thanks Andrei