Cursor placement in dhtmlxgrid

When one clicks into one of the row in the grid, the cursor automatically goes to the left of the letters/word. Is it possible to place the cursor to be directly to the right of the letters.


Please, try to use the following solution:

mygrid.attachEvent("onEditCell",function(stage,rId,cInd,nValue,oValue){ if(stage==1 && mygrid.editor && mygrid.editor.obj){ this.editor.obj.selectionStart=this.editor.obj.value.length } return true; })

Thanks a lot… it worked


The suggestion is working in Firefox, but not in IE. Can any one help

The following solution should work for IE8:

mygrid.attachEvent("onEditCell",function(stage,rId,cInd,nValue,oValue){ if(stage==1 && mygrid.editor && mygrid.editor.obj){ this.editor.obj.value=this.editor.obj.value } return true; })