custom error message

Hello again everyone, time for another question :wink:,

      On the scheduler, when an error happens server-side, it pops a window with "BAD XML"... which is not helpful at all in figuring out what's wrong. Is there a way to get it to pop a more significant error message when something bad happens?

Thanks in advance,


If you are using connector - you can enable logging. So you will have detailed error info in log.
On client side you can use

dhtmlxError.catchError("LoadXML", function(){ //do something })

it will block ā€œincorrect xmlā€ alert

The problem I have is that all of my treatmentā€™s customā€¦ so the logging is useless. And then this:

dhtmlxError.catchError("LoadXML", function(){
   //do something

Probably wonā€™t help me because, client-side, I have no way of knowing what error happened server-sideā€¦ and the function defined to catch errors in the example above doesnā€™t seem to receive any parameter, soā€¦

At this point, I think Iā€™ll explain my current situation, itā€™ll probably be easier for you to understand. Iā€™m currently trying to implement filters on the calendar. So, for the loading of events, Iā€™ve switched from using ā€œrender_tableā€ to ā€œrender_sqlā€.

So I basically have to redefine all of the basic database operations(INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE). Since I already have an event on my calendar, I decided to start with the update statement. However, the moment I click on ā€œsaveā€, I get the message ā€œincorrect xmlā€ with absolutely no idea what really happened. Since I did not change anything in the code from the time I used ā€œrender_tableā€, the problem, of course comes from the fact that Iā€™m now using ā€œrender_sqlā€ā€¦ but without having a detailed error message, I have no way of knowing whatā€™s wrong and fix the problem.

This is basically why Iā€™m trying to get a custom error message so that I can figure out whatā€™s wrong.

Thanks in advance :slight_smile:.



Most likely something is wrong in your UPDATE SQL query. To verify this you need to enable log in your events.php file:


Then try to update any information in the scheduler and check this file. There you will find complete SQL query which was used.

Best regards,

Hereā€™s what I do:

function myUpdate($action)
		global $ancienTodo;
		$requete = "SELECT * FROM tblpmtodo WHERE TodoId = " . $action->get_id();
		$resultat = mysql_query($requete);
		$ligne = mysql_fetch_array($resultat);
		$ancienTodo = array();
		$ancienTodo['Titre'] = $ligne['Titre'];
		$ancienTodo['Description'] = $ligne['Description'];
		$ancienTodo['Client'] = getNom('tblcartetempsclients', 'NoClient', $ligne['NoClient'], 'NomClient');
		$ancienTodo['Division'] = getNom('tblcartetempsdivisions', 'NoDivision', $ligne['NoDivision'], 'NomDivision');
		$ancienTodo['AssignePar'] = getNom('tblcartetempspersonnes', 'NoPersonne', $ligne['DeNoPersonne'], 'NomPersonne');
		$ancienTodo['StartDateTime'] = substr($ligne['StartDateTime'], 0, strlen($ligne['StartDateTime']) - 3);
		$ancienTodo['EndDateTime'] = substr($ligne['EndDateTime'], 0, strlen($ligne['EndDateTime']) - 3);
		$ancienTodo['Statut'] = getNom('tblpmstatut', 'StatutId', $ligne['StatutId'], 'Statut');
		$requete = "UPDATE tblpmtodo SET NoClient = " . $action->get_value('NoClient') . ", " . 
							"NoDivision = " . $action->get_value('NoDivision') . ", " . 
							"Titre = " . mysql_real_escape_string($action->get_value('Titre')) . ", " . 
							"Etiquette = " . mysql_real_escape_string($action->get_value('Etiquette')) . ", " . 
							"Description = \"" . mysql_real_escape_string($action->get_value('Description')) . "\" " .
							"StartDateTime = \"" . $action->get_value('StartDateTime') . "\", " .
							"EndDateTime = \"" . $action->get_value('EndDateTime') . "\", " . 
							"Priorite = " . $action->get_value('Priorite') . ", " . 
							"ANoPersonne = " . $action->get_value('ANoPersonne') . ", " . 
							"StatutId = " . $action->get_value('StatutId') . ", " . 
							"PrcComplete = " . $action->get_value('PrcComplete') . ", " . 
							"CalendrierStrategique = " . $action->get_value('CalendrierStrategique') . " " . 
							"WHERE TodoId = " . $action->get_id();
		//mysql_query($requete) or die(mysql_error());
$sqlPrincipal = "SELECT * FROM tblpmtodo INNER JOIN tblpmdestinatairespermissions on tblpmtodo.TodoId = tblpmdestinatairespermissions.TodoId WHERE tblpmdestinatairespermissions.NoPersonne = " . $_SESSION['Employe'];

$scheduler->event->attach("beforeUpdate", "myUpdate");
$scheduler->render_sql($sqlPrincipal, "TodoId", "StartDateTime,EndDateTime,Etiquette,Description,Titre,ANoPersonne,NoClient,NoDivision,PrcComplete,Priorite,CalendrierStrategique,StatutId");

And inside the log:

Log started, 03/12/2010 11:12:31

SELECT  * FROM tblpmtodo INNER JOIN tblpmdestinatairespermissions on tblpmtodo.TodoId = tblpmdestinatairespermissions.TodoId WHERE  tblpmdestinatairespermissions.NoPersonne = 64

SELECT  NoPersonne as value, NomPersonne as label FROM tblcartetempspersonnes WHERE  MembreScheduler = 1 ORDER BY NomPersonne ASC

SELECT  NoClient as value, NomClient as label FROM tblcartetempsclients WHERE  Statut = 1 ORDER BY NomClient ASC

SELECT  0 as value, '' as label FROM tblcartetempsdivisions WHERE  1 union SELECT NoDivision as value, NomDivision as label FROM tblcartetempsdivisions ORDER BY label ASC

Done in 0.012165069580078s

Log started, 03/12/2010 11:12:39

DataProcessor object initialized
126_id => 126
126_start_date => 2010-12-01 10:15
126_end_date => 2010-12-01 10:20
126_text => TODO - tfilteau - 126
126_Description => hjjghjgh
126_Titre => 
126_ANoPersonne => 64
126_NoClient => 53
126_NoDivision => 0
126_PrcComplete => 0
126_Priorite => 1
126_CalendrierStrategique => 0
126_StatutId => 1
126_RappelA => 1
126_DateRappelA => 1900-01-01 00:00:00
126_FrequenceRappelA => 0
126_UniteRappelA => 1
126_DroitsA => 3
126_ListeCC => 
126_DateNotificationCC => 
126_DroitCC => 
126_NotificationCC => 
126_FrequenceCC => 
126_UniteFrequenceCC => 
126_CC_length => 0
126_DateRappelGeneral => 1900-01-01 00:00:00
126_FrequenceGenerale => 0
126_FrequenceUniteGeneral => 1
126_DeNomPersonne => Tobbi Filteau
126_DeNoPersonne => 64
126_NotificationA => 1
126_DroitDestinataire => 3
126_!nativeeditor_status => updated
ids => 126

Row data [126]
TodoId => 126
StartDateTime => 2010-12-01 10:15
EndDateTime => 2010-12-01 10:20
Etiquette => TODO - tfilteau - 126
Description => hjjghjgh
Titre => 
ANoPersonne => 64
NoClient => 53
NoDivision => 0
PrcComplete => 0
Priorite => 1
CalendrierStrategique => 0
StatutId => 1
RappelA => 1
DateRappelA => 1900-01-01 00:00:00
FrequenceRappelA => 0
UniteRappelA => 1
DroitsA => 3
ListeCC => 
DateNotificationCC => 
DroitCC => 
NotificationCC => 
FrequenceCC => 
UniteFrequenceCC => 
CC_length => 0
DateRappelGeneral => 1900-01-01 00:00:00
FrequenceGenerale => 0
FrequenceUniteGeneral => 1
DeNomPersonne => Tobbi Filteau
DeNoPersonne => 64
NotificationA => 1
DroitDestinataire => 3
!nativeeditor_status => updated

As you can see, thereā€™s no mention of SQL anywhere. If you could point me in the right direction, Iā€™d be really grateful.

Thanks in advance.



$scheduler->sql->query($requete); //mysql_query($requete) or die(mysql_error()); $action->success();
Replace with:

global $scheduler; $scheduler->sql->attach("Update",$requete);
Also now information about query should be in the logs.

Hope this helps.
Best regards,

Well, Iā€™ve tried what you suggested and it still doesnā€™t work. Whatā€™s more, thereā€™s nothing in the logs to show any SQL being executed. Hereā€™s the log:

Log started, 06/12/2010 10:12:18

DataProcessor object initialized
126_id => 126
126_start_date => 2010-12-01 10:15
126_end_date => 2010-12-01 10:20
126_text => TODO - tfilteau - 126
126_Description => hjh
126_Titre => 
126_ANoPersonne => 64
126_NoClient => 53
126_NoDivision => 0
126_PrcComplete => 0
126_Priorite => 1
126_CalendrierStrategique => 0
126_StatutId => 1
126_RappelA => 1
126_DateRappelA => 1900-01-01 00:00:00
126_FrequenceRappelA => 0
126_UniteRappelA => 1
126_DroitsA => 3
126_ListeCC => 
126_DateNotificationCC => 
126_DroitCC => 
126_NotificationCC => 
126_FrequenceCC => 
126_UniteFrequenceCC => 
126_CC_length => 0
126_DateRappelGeneral => 1900-01-01 00:00:00
126_FrequenceGenerale => 0
126_FrequenceUniteGeneral => 1
126_DeNomPersonne => Tobbi Filteau
126_DeNoPersonne => 64
126_NotificationA => 1
126_DroitDestinataire => 3
126_!nativeeditor_status => updated
ids => 126

Row data [126]
TodoId => 126
StartDateTime => 2010-12-01 10:15
EndDateTime => 2010-12-01 10:20
Etiquette => TODO - tfilteau - 126
Description => hjh
Titre => 
ANoPersonne => 64
NoClient => 53
NoDivision => 0
PrcComplete => 0
Priorite => 1
CalendrierStrategique => 0
StatutId => 1
RappelA => 1
DateRappelA => 1900-01-01 00:00:00
FrequenceRappelA => 0
UniteRappelA => 1
DroitsA => 3
ListeCC => 
DateNotificationCC => 
DroitCC => 
NotificationCC => 
FrequenceCC => 
UniteFrequenceCC => 
CC_length => 0
DateRappelGeneral => 1900-01-01 00:00:00
FrequenceGenerale => 0
FrequenceUniteGeneral => 1
DeNomPersonne => Tobbi Filteau
DeNoPersonne => 64
NotificationA => 1
DroitDestinataire => 3
!nativeeditor_status => updated

And of course, hereā€™s the code:

function myUpdate($action)
		global $ancienTodo;
		global $scheduler;
		$requete = "SELECT * FROM tblpmtodo WHERE TodoId = " . $action->get_id();
		$resultat = mysql_query($requete);
		$ligne = mysql_fetch_array($resultat);
		$ancienTodo = array();
		$ancienTodo['Titre'] = $ligne['Titre'];
		$ancienTodo['Description'] = $ligne['Description'];
		$ancienTodo['Client'] = getNom('tblcartetempsclients', 'NoClient', $ligne['NoClient'], 'NomClient');
		$ancienTodo['Division'] = getNom('tblcartetempsdivisions', 'NoDivision', $ligne['NoDivision'], 'NomDivision');
		$ancienTodo['AssignePar'] = getNom('tblcartetempspersonnes', 'NoPersonne', $ligne['DeNoPersonne'], 'NomPersonne');
		$ancienTodo['StartDateTime'] = substr($ligne['StartDateTime'], 0, strlen($ligne['StartDateTime']) - 3);
		$ancienTodo['EndDateTime'] = substr($ligne['EndDateTime'], 0, strlen($ligne['EndDateTime']) - 3);
		$ancienTodo['Statut'] = getNom('tblpmstatut', 'StatutId', $ligne['StatutId'], 'Statut');
		$requete = "UPDATE tblpmtodo SET NoClient = " . $action->get_value('NoClient') . " " . 
							"NoDivision = " . $action->get_value('NoDivision') . ", " . 
							"Titre = " . mysql_real_escape_string($action->get_value('Titre')) . ", " . 
							"Etiquette = " . mysql_real_escape_string($action->get_value('Etiquette')) . ", " . 
							"Description = \"" . mysql_real_escape_string($action->get_value('Description')) . "\" " .
							"StartDateTime = \"" . $action->get_value('StartDateTime') . "\", " .
							"EndDateTime = \"" . $action->get_value('EndDateTime') . "\", " . 
							"Priorite = " . $action->get_value('Priorite') . ", " . 
							"ANoPersonne = " . $action->get_value('ANoPersonne') . ", " . 
							"StatutId = " . $action->get_value('StatutId') . ", " . 
							"PrcComplete = " . $action->get_value('PrcComplete') . ", " . 
							"CalendrierStrategique = " . $action->get_value('CalendrierStrategique') . " " . 
							"WHERE TodoId = " . $action->get_id();
		//mysql_query($requete) or die(mysql_error());
		$scheduler->sql->attach("update",$requete); //With or without capital 'U' it doesn't do anything

$scheduler->event->attach("beforeUpdate", "myUpdate");

Whatā€™s more, even if I comment the whole code, I still get an errorā€¦ which is understandably frustrating since the error message does not tell me whatā€™s wrong.

Anyway, any sort of help will be greatly appreciated.

Thank you

While testing locally I have got a similar log response - it was caused by missed getNom function ( which results in non-catchable fatal error ) , after adding such function - connector code execs custom sql for sure.

You guys positively rock, thereā€™s no other way to put it!!! :smiley:

While, in this particular case, the error did not lie with the missing getNom function since I did indeed have it in my complete code, it did lead me to look at all the places I was actually using it and it made me find this little line:

$ancienTodo['AssignePar'] = getNom('tblcartetempspersonnes', 'NoPersonne', $ligne['DeNoPersonne'], 'NomPersonne');

While this line doesnā€™t present any problem in and of itself, I forgot that the field ā€œDeNoPersonneā€ NO LONGER EXISTS in my central table!!! So this is why everything was crashingā€¦ honestly, sometimes I feel like an idiot, but thanks to your pointer, I was able to find what was going on and now it works perfectly :smiley:

Thanks again
