Custom Field option for text? (wordpress)


I have just installed the scheduler for wordpress and all seems well apart from 1 thing.

I want to add some custom fileds. The only 2 options for custom fields seem to be ‘text area’ and ‘select list’.

Is there a way of adding a ‘text’ custom fieldd?

In my case, I want to add a ‘Price’ field. This will look very odd as a textarea, when it should be a single line text input field.

Many thanks


Ah, I kind of fixed this by reducing the height of the field.

Is there a way of hiding a custom field from the front end if that field hasn’t been populated?
So, if the admin doesn’t add a price for a certain event, the price field will not show to site visitors.

Many thanks


There is no way to use another custom fields and show/hide them according their values.