Hallo, i have a big problem with javaplanner, i have to modify the calendar. I would like to add more options to the lightbox, i know how to add textboxes etc, but im not able to create new class to be able to read date from my own textboxes in custom lightbox… When im trying to modify the
EventsMenager to get more date from other field than date_start, id etc im not able to choose get or set from my own class… What should i do to make it possible? I would like to add new fields and to be able to read the date from fields to database…
I am really stuck. I would appreciate some help!
Thanks in advance!
I finally did it. I cant belive that it was so easy.
For others who will look for help:
You just have to create class which extends from DHXEvent, and put in it new Strings etc…
And than on ur custom lightbox add:
In EventsManager just modify statements etc…
But now i have new problem, how can i add select list/droopdown box?
I am not sure what file i have to modify, main jsp or custom_lightbox? I would like to add select list below textboxes in customlightbox.