Custom LightBox - onAfterLightbox /onEventSave won't trigger

Hi I got custom light box working. On clicking the save button the data does get saved to the server successfully and closes the light box just fine. The only problem is that none of the “post lightbox event” gets triggered. Is this expected. The following event does not get triggered. Please help.

scheduler.attachEvent(“onEventSave”, function (id,data,flag){
console.log("onEventSave " + data.loadNo);

        	 return true;

scheduler.attachEvent(“onAfterLightbox”, function (){
console.log("onAfterLightbox called ");

			    return true;

The above events are auto-triggered only for default lightbox.
In case of custom lightbox, you have full control other code which closes lightbox and can add any customization there

Need to say, there were similar reports previously, and we are considering adding event calls in case of custom lightbox. In any case you can call from code which closes custom lightbox something like next to trigger events

scheduler.callEvent("onEventSave", [id, data]); scheduler.callEvent("onAfterLightbox", []);